Tag Archives: fascist

Authorization for Use of Military Force … On YOU


AUMF 2001 (PL 107-40) did not target the “terrorists” behind the 9/11 attacks. Its target was and is the taxpaying American citizen. Here are the only two ways to take yourself out of the crosshairs.


If you ask most Americans how many World Trade Center towers were demolished on 9/11, they’ll say 2. The correct answer is 3. If you remind them that WTC-7 came down as well as WTC-1 and WTC-2, and then ask them how many World Trade Center towers were struck by airplanes or seriously damaged by debris, they’ll usually say 3. The correct answer is 2. Remind them of THAT, however, and you are immediately labelled a 9/11 truther or conspiracy nut.

The “truth” may well be, however, that most Americans simply don’t want to think about what really happened at World Trade Center 7 and elsewhere on 11 September 2001 because it forces them to question either (a) the laws of physics and logic or (b) what they were told happened by their government. The cognitive dissonance generated is too much for their media-brainwashed minds to handle, so they block it out and you along with it.

The “truth” is that many things happened before, on and after 9/11 that we have been encouraged – if not programmed – to forget. One is the “Authorization for Use of Military Force” signed into law by Dubya on 18 September 2001 as Public Law 107-40. Allegedly intended to authorize retaliation against the “9/11 terrorists” – and not unlike the 1933 Enabling Act that paved the way for Adolf Hitler to become dictator of Nazi Germany – this brief resolution gave our President carte blanche authority that has been used, abused and expanded over the past 11 years to the point where the “Imperial Presidency” of Barack Obama now claims the power to kill anyone anywhere – including American citizens on American soil – without the approval of Congress, and without due process of law.

That alone should be sufficient reason for We the People to rise up and demand repeal of the 2001 Authorization for Use of Military Force (aka “AUMF 2001”, “AUMF”, or on Twitter “#AUMF”). But the evil of this unconstitutional foundation for a fascist police state doesn’t end there: AUMF 2001 is also the asserted legal basis for Section 1021 of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2012 signed into law by Odrona on 31 December 2011 as Public Law 112-81. This “Homeland Battlefield” provision gives the federal government authority to detain without charge and hold indefinitely without trial American citizens on American soil – the same “indefinite detention” applied to prisoners at Guantanamo – which nullifies habeas corpus and overrides the Bill of Rights.

IF WE REPEAL AUMF 2001 WE ALSO UNDO NDAA 2012. Passing and signing into law intact “H.R. 198: Repeal of the Authorization for Use of Military Force” – not to be confused with other H.R. 198’s from prior Congressional sessions – will do just that. And as a not-so-small added benefit, passing H.R. 198 will force the child-murdering Nobel Peace Prize pretender in the White House to bring down his drones and end the perpetual global “War on Terrorism” – which has never been anything more than an excuse for the Military Industrial Complex to deplete the U.S. Treasury, with the costs of war in Afghanistan and Iraq alone approaching $6 trillion, which accounts for over 35% of our national debt and amounts to over $19,000 for every man, woman and child in America.

In TwitterSpeak, all we have to do is pass #HR198 to #RepealAUMF and we reign in the unconstitutional #AUMF #ImperialPresidency, undo #NDAA #IndefiniteDetention, bring down the unacceptably inhumane #drones, end the unaffordably insane #GWOT and force the unimaginably greedy #MilitaryIndustrialComplex to stop depleting an already-drained #USTreasury and running up the #USDebt. Who wouldn’t want to do that?

Just about everybody on Wall Street (Greed Central), K Street (Lobbyist Lane), in Congress (Corporate Fascist Puppets Left and Right) and at the White House (Office of the Corporate Fascist Puppet-in-Chief). That’s who.

Sponsored by Congresswoman Barbara Lee (@RepBarbaraLee) – the only U.S. Representative to vote against AUMF in 2001 – H.R. 198 has only 8 co-sponsors at present and is currently stalled in the House Foreign Affairs Committee (@HFACrepublicans). Pundits give H.R. 198 a zero chance of passage and here is why:

  • The Democratic Party doesn’t want to repeal AUMF 2001 because it will take away power that their figurehead leader Barack Obama is fighting Chris Hedges et al in federal court to keep.
  • The Republican Party doesn’t want to repeal AUMF 2001 because they get to cash in on that power when they rotate back into the White House. And it truly is a staged rotation: of the last 14 U.S. Presidents 7 have been Democrats and 7 Republicans.
  • Lockheed-Martin and the other corrupt fat cat defense contractors comprising the rotten core of the Military Industrial Complex don’t want to repeal AUMF 2001 because ending our endless wars will cost them trillions in future revenues. Their legions of lobbyists stand to lose big bucks as well.
  • Bankers on Wall Street and worldwide thrive on interest. Interest is generated by debt. More debt means more interest. And as the tally about reflects, nothing creates more debt faster than war: debt to make the weapons, debt to buy the weapons, debt to wage the war, and debt to recover from war’s awful toll of death and destruction. Like all wars, the War on Terrorism is a bankers’ war. Obviously the banksters would not want to see it ended by the passage of H.R. 198 and repeal of AUMF 2001.

The “truth” is that the real target of the post 9/11 Authorization for Use of Military Force was not Osama Bin Laden, Al Qaeda or any other “terrorists” real or contrived. The real target of the post 9/11 Authorization for Use of Military Force was and is YOU, the American citizen and taxpayer. There are only two ways to take yourself out of the crosshairs:

  1. Join us in the AUMF Hunger Strike (#AumfHungerStrike) to (a) awaken 100 million Americans now living in poverty and as many of the self-absorbed and techno-stupefied Sheeple as we can, and (b) inspire them to take direct action to demand action by their Senators and Representives to pass H.R. 198 over the cries of the war profiteers and their lobbyists as well as an almost certain veto by Odrona; or
  2. Do what you know Thomas Jefferson would recommend we do…

Learn more here:






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Keywords (short): military force law, aumf hunger strike, repeal aumf, aumf 2001, ndaa 2012, imperial presidency, indefinite detention

Keywords (long): military force law, aumf hunger strike, direct action, h.r. 198, repeal aumf, aumf, aumf 2001, ndaa, ndaa 2012, nullification, nullify, imperial presidency, indefinite detention, occupy movement, occupy wall street, anonymous, stand with rand, democrats, republicans, liberal, conservative, progressive, right wing, political left, political right, far left, far right, radicals, reactionaries, sheeple, revolutionaries, drones, domestic drone strikes, constitution, bill of rights, fascist, fascism, civil liberties, human rights, freedom, liberty, jeffersonian, banksters, defense contractors, military industrial complex, corporate greed, war profiteering, activism, protest, rebellion, revolution

Hashtags: #aumfhungerstrike #directaction #hr198 #repealaumf #aumf #aumf2001 #ndaa #ndaa2012 #nullification #nullify #imperialpresidency #indefinitedetention #occupy #ows #anonymous #standwithrand #democrats #republicans #liberal #conservative #progressive #rightwing #left #right #farleft #farright #radicals #reactionaries #sheeple #revolutionaries #drones #domesticdronestrikes #usconstitution #billofrights #fascist #fascism #civilliberties #humanrights #freedom #liberty #jeffersonian #banksters #defensecontractors #militaryindustrialcomplex #greed #warprofiteering #activism #protest #rebellion #revolution


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“The 99%” Redefined: 99 Percent of Americans Know Little About the Dangers of AUMF 2001 & NDAA 2012

According to an #AumfHungerStrike activist 99% of Americans have no idea they can be detained indefinitely without charge under NDAA 2012 Section 1021, and then executed without trial under AUMF 2001.


American grandfather, long distance rider, civil liberties Jeffersonian and AUMF Hunger Striker IronBoltBruce conservatively estimates that (a) 90 percent of the American public are unaware they can be indefinitely detained without charge or trial under NDAA 2012 Section 1021 (Public Law 112-81), and (b) 90 percent of those are unaware they can be executed without due process of law under AUMF 2001 (Public Law 107-40, the post 9/11 Authorization for Use of Military Force). If accurate that means (a) only 1 in 100 Americans are aware of their potential loss of life or liberty under these fascist and unconstitutional Bill of Rights and habeas corpus nullifications, and (b) the deer-in-the-headlights obliviousness of the remainder of our citizens provides a whole new definition for “The 99 Percent”.

The legality of the NDAA 2012 indefinite detention provisions is dependent upon the 2001 Authorization for Use of Military Force. If we repeal AUMF, we undo NDAA at the same time. H.R. 198 is proposed legislation that will do just that. The bill will also bring an end to over 11 years of a so-called “War on Terrorism” that has generated trillions in revenues for defense contractors and the banksters behind the curtains at the cost of hundreds of thousands of innocent lives abroad and a bankrupted Treasury at home. It stands to reason, then, that these corporate interests may go to any lengths – including payoffs, psyops and perhaps even black ops – to prevent the passage of any legislation that might kill the war profiteering cash cow of our Military Industrial Complex.

Passing H.R. 198 intact or otherwise repealing AUMF 2001 will not be an easy battle, but it is a battle that We the People must fight – if not for our own sake, then for the freedom and future of our children and grandchildren. To win that battle, we will have to overcome powerful banking, defense, intelligence, counterterrorism and homeland security lobbies by making their puppet politicians in Washington more afraid of losing control of the country than they are of losing the corporate cash flowing into their personal coffers. That will require a resurgence of Sixties-style in-the-streets IRL activism which we can generate by mobilizing the 100 million Americans now living in poverty and waking up as many of the rest as we can. They cannot be aware without also being angry, and to raise that awareness we have initiated a nationwide AUMF Hunger Strike for which we need not only your support but your participation. Learn more about why and how at:





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Keywords (short): aumf hunger strike, repeal aumf, aumf 2001, ndaa 2012, imperial presidency, indefinite detention, the 99 percent

Keywords (long): aumf hunger strike, direct action, h.r. 198, repeal aumf, aumf, aumf 2001, ndaa, ndaa 2012, nullification, nullify, imperial presidency, indefinite detention, 99 percent, the 99 percent, occupy movement, occupy wall street, anonymous, stand with rand, democrats, republicans, liberal, conservative, progressive, right wing, political left, political right, far left, far right, radicals, reactionaries, sheeple, revolutionaries, drones, domestic drone strikes, constitution, bill of rights, fascist, fascism, civil liberties, human rights, freedom, liberty, jeffersonian, banksters, defense contractors, military industrial complex, corporate greed, war profiteering, activism, protest

Hashtags: #aumfhungerstrike #directaction #hr198 #repealaumf #aumf #aumf2001 #ndaa #ndaa2012 #nullification #nullify #imperialpresidency #indefinitedetention #99percent #the99percent #occupy #ows #anonymous #standwithrand #democrats #republicans #liberal #conservative #progressive #rightwing #left #right #farleft #farright #radicals #reactionaries #sheeple #revolutionaries #drones #domesticdronestrikes #usconstitution #billofrights #fascist #fascism #civilliberties #humanrights #freedom #liberty #jeffersonian #banksters #defensecontractors #militaryindustrialcomplex #greed #warprofiteering #activism #protest


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One Percenter Erin Burnett: OutFront Corporate Fascist and Iran War Drumbeater

Erin Burnett: OutFront Fascist

Ten years ago, most Americans believed Saddam Hussein had WMDs. Today, most Americans believe Iran has nuclear weapons. And once again, Big Lie propagandists like Erin Burnett are (mis)leading us into war.


Various versions have been circulating for weeks, but if there’s anyone left in America who hasn’t seen the video of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and his Persian posse strolling around in those white lab coats that our perpetual war profiteers want us to believe are clear indications of their diabolical nuclear capabilities, they can view it here:


Note that CNN uploaded this video to YouTube on February 15th with the white-on-red “LIVE” text overlay intact. It wasn’t “live” then, it wasn’t “live” any of the other countless times they’ve aired it since then, and it wasn’t “live” on March 2nd when la femme fasciste Erin Burnett had it looping in background as she beat her incessant Iran War drum on the Friday evening edition of “OutFront”.

In his recent posting entitled “Insinuation as War Propaganda,” Anthony Gregory noted that in 2003 the massive media propaganda buildup leading to Bush Iraq War II had 70% of Americans believing Saddam Hussein – that “evil dictator” we once armed but ultimately executed without ever finding the arsenal of weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) our talking heads guaranteed were about to rain down upon us – was personally behind 9/11. He then observed that today, barely nine years later, 71% of those same gullible boob tube couch potatoes now believe that Iran has nuclear weapons:


And they believe that despite the fact that in a January 2012 interview on “Face the Nation” former CIA Director and now Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta clearly stated that Iran has no nuclear weapons and no intentions of developing any:


And why do they believe that? Because the global corporate fascist elite that controls our government – and since Citizens United our elections – also controls the military industrial complex and mainstream media. Through the propagation and perpetuation of war, they generate profits by using the one to feed the other. But to make war they must first “manufacture consent,” because the money-making war machines of the 1 percent cannot operate without the willing cooperation and support of the other 99. And of the many modern-day Goebbels “Big Lie” propagandists paid to sell their false flag ops and other fictions to the frequently fooled, few are more “out front” about it than CNN’s Erin Burnett. As Glenn Greenwald observed:

“I just could not let go unnoted this commentary on The Iranian Threat by CNN’s Erin Burnett (“frightening,” she observed). I barely know what to say about it – the critiques of media fear-mongering I wrote the last two days apply in spades to this – but it really just mocks itself. It’s the sort of thing you would produce if you set out to create a mean-spirited parody of mindless, war-hungry, fear-mongering media stars, but you wouldn’t dare go this far because you’d want the parody to have a feel of realism to it, and this would be way too extreme to be believable. She really hauled it all out: WMDs! Terrorist sleeper cells in the U.S. controlled by Tehran! Iran’s long-range nuclear missiles reaching our homeland!!!! She almost made the anti-Muslim war-mongering fanatic she brought on to interview, Rep. Peter King, appear sober and reasonable by comparison.”



Obviously Erin Burnett is not an objective journalist, just as some say much of what CNN reports is not objective news. Erin Burnett is an alum of Citigroup, one of America’s four largest banks, and a major beneficiary of the taxpayer-funded TARP “Too Big To Fail” Bailout. Erin Burnett is also an alum of Goldman Sachs, the Wall Street giant whose corrupt practices are considered a key causative factor in the global financial meltdown of 2008, and who willingly and easily paid $500 million to settle SEC charges of defrauding investors with their subprime mortgage scams. And Erin Burnett is a current member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), considered by many to be America’s more powerful foreign policy think-tank, and denounced by some as a proponent of “one world government” and instrument of the “new world order.”

Erin Burnett is a One Percenter. Should we be surprised that delivering their message is her mission?


IronBoltBruce via VVV PR ( http://veritasvirtualvengeance.com | @vvvpr )

Related Image: http://veritasvirtualvengeance.files.wordpress.com/2012/03/erin_burnett_outfront_fascist.jpg

Related Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p9QO-xvkyRY

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Tag: #ErinBurnett, #OutFront, #CNN, #GoldmanSachs, #CFR, #Citigroup, #Iran, #War, #BigLie, #Propaganda, #FalseFlag, #PsyOps, #Fascism, #Fascist, #Fascists, #OccupyWallStreet, #OWS, #VVVPR



Reddit r/Politics exists to perpetuate America’s Demopublican two-puppet political system: What you see posted on Reddit r/Politics is NOT what was SUBMITTED but what was APPROVED by their censorship system. And what Reddit calls “Karma” is actually a measure of – and psyop pressure for – groupthink conformity:




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